March 4, 2025

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Retrieving Ethereum Transaction Hash Without Private Key

As a developer working with Ethereum, you may need to retrieve the transaction hash from a mined or broadcast transaction without access to the private key. One approach is to use RSV (Randomized Supply Value) values ​​associated with the transaction.

In this article, we’ll explore how to get Ethereum transaction hashes using RSV values, and then discuss alternative methods.

Understanding Ethereum Hash Transactions

A transaction hash in Ethereum is a unique string of 64 characters that serves as a digital fingerprint. To retrieve a transaction hash without a private key, you need to know at least one of the following:

  • Transaction ID: You can get it by searching for a transaction on the Ethereum blockchain explorer.

  • Transaction Hash (no private key): This is a 64 character string that represents the transaction itself. To retrieve it, we will use RSV values.

Retrieving Transaction Hash with RSV Values

The Ethereum blockchain uses a combination of RSV values ​​and a hash to represent the contents of each block. The standard block has:

  • R (Random Supply Value): A random value between 0 and 1, used for the next supply.

  • S (Supply Value)

    Ethereum: How can I retrieve Ethereum Message hash

    : current supply value.

  • V (value): a decimal value representing the amount of the transaction.

To retrieve the transaction hash without using the private key, we will use the RSV values. Here’s the step-by-step process:

  • Get the contents of the block:

* Use an Ethereum client such as Ethers.js or to read block data.

  • Extract the transaction ID and RSV values:

* Identify the transaction ID from the blockchain explorer or by searching for the transaction online.

* Get the RSV values ​​(R, S, V) for the specified transaction.

  • Calculate transaction hashes without a private key:
  • Use a hash algorithm such as SHA-256 to combine the RSV value and the transaction data.

Here are some sample JavaScript code using Web3.js:

const web3 = require('web3 ');

const ethers = require('ethers');

// Set your Ethereum provider (e.g. Infura, Alchemy)

const provider = new web3.providers.HttpProvider(' YOUR_PROJECT_ID');

asynchronous function getTransactionHash(transactionId) {

const block = await provider.getBlock(transactionId);

const transaction data = block.hash;

// Get RSV values ​​for the specified transaction

const rsvValues ​​= block.transactions[0].Rsv; const s = block.transactions[0].S;

const v = block.transactions[0].V;

// Compute transaction hash without private key

const txHash = ethers.utils.soliditySafeAddress(

web3.utils.toHex(rsvValues) +

web3.utils.toHex(s) +



return txHash;


// Get the transaction hash for the specified transaction ID

getTransactionHash('transactionId').then((txHash) => {



Alternative methods

While using the RSV value is one approach, there are other methods for retrieving the transaction hash without the private key:

  • Check blockchain explorer: Search for the transaction on an Ethereum blockchain explorer such as Etherscan or Blockscat to get the transaction ID and RSV value.

  • Use a library: Use libraries like ethers.js (as shown above) which provide APIs to interact with the Ethereum network without the need for a private key.

Please note that these alternative methods may have different levels of security, accuracy, or availability compared to using a private key.

By understanding how to retrieve Ethereum transaction hashes without a private key, you can now move forward with your development projects working with Ethereum.

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